Friday, 31 July 2009

To do lists, cute shoes and planting galore

  • Plant the seeds - Done
  • Buy a bigger pot for garlic- Almost done.. how can one sell pots without saucers..
  • Visit the butcher - Done
  • Return movies
  • Laundry- Theres no laundry to do!!
  • Twist brain to figure out what to cook for dinner(Pasta Bolognaise)so done

So we went to Kotara to buy a leather rescue remedy for my spanish leather bag and I found the cutest shoes ever in Target. Am absolutely so in love with them I kind of don't want to wear them as I know I will break them. The leather bag has become completely dark brown and I am not even sure it will ever go back to being light again.
I bought some planters and soil today, along with some thai chillies. Am putting them in later today and I am so excited to see if it is actually going to work and if they actually want to grow in my window or not. Think I might just go back to the hardware store and get some basil and a bigger pot if he has any. For some reason it seems everyone wants to be bloody planting herbs these days and he is always sold out.
If my landlord wasn't so damn strict I would plant in the front yard but I would probably have to build a huge fence around it as all the neighbourhood cats think the patch is their litterbox.
Rented out a bunch of movies and The Reader is an absolute stunning movie. Frost/Nixon however was very long, almost Benjamin Button long(if you haven't seen Benjamin Button..well good luck)

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