Saturday, 15 August 2009


I've made jam. It was supertasty despite the odd combo of apples,pears,kiwi,orange and lemon!
I did make a small jar of strawberry jam too but it tasted pretty crappy as the strawberries themselves were not too fantastic.
Today I got the house to myself and I am fantastically bored. Am making a cheesecake and some thai green curry for dinner but I feel far too lazy to get off my ass to do it.
All this housewifing is getting the better off me. I kind of actually care about the cleanliness of my floors.
Gah must stop and kill these thoughts... just after I do the dishes. Meh


Linn said...

hehhehe, det var jo det jeg sa...perfect housewife!! klem fra meg

. said...

hold munn